How to use Forged Cookware

Update:03 Nov

Forged cookware is a popular choice in modern kitchens, known for its durability, heat distribution, and versatility. Whether you're a professional chef or a home cook, understanding how to use forged cookware can enhance your culinary experience.

One of the key steps in using forged cookware is seasoning. Seasoning involves applying a thin layer of oil to the cooking surface of the cookware and heating it to create a natural non-stick coating. Here's how to season forged cookware:

Start by washing the cookware with warm, soapy water to remove any protective coatings or impurities.

Dry the cookware thoroughly to prevent rusting.

Apply a thin layer of a high-smoke-point oil (like vegetable oil or flaxseed oil) to the interior and exterior surfaces of the cookware.

Heat the cookware on a stovetop or in the oven at a low to medium temperature (350-450°F or 175-230°C) for an hour. This process allows the oil to polymerize, forming a non-stick layer.

Let the cookware cool and wipe off any excess oil with a paper towel.

Forged cookware is versatile and can be used for various cooking techniques. Here are some tips for different methods:

Searing: Preheat the cookware over medium-high heat, and then add your protein. A well-seasoned forged skillet is excellent for achieving a perfect sear.

Baking: Forged cookware is oven-safe, making it ideal for dishes that require both stovetop and oven cooking, such as frittatas or casseroles.

Braising: The even heat distribution in forged cookware makes it ideal for slow-cooking and braising. Use a heavy, lidded pot for best results.

Stir-frying: Forged woks are excellent for stir-frying due to their high sides and even heat distribution. Remember to keep the heat high and toss the ingredients frequently.

Simmering: Use a forged saucepan for simmering soups, sauces, or gravies. The heavy bottom helps prevent scorching.

Proper care is essential to maintain the quality and longevity of your forged cookware. Here are some cleaning and maintenance tips:

After cooking, allow the cookware to cool slightly before washing it. Avoid drastic temperature changes, such as immersing hot cookware in cold water.

Hand wash your forged cookware with warm water and a soft sponge or cloth. Avoid abrasive scouring pads or harsh detergents, as they can damage the seasoning.

If food sticks to the cookware, use a wooden or silicone spatula to gently scrape it off.

Dry the cookware completely after washing to prevent rust.

Periodically re-season your cookware to maintain its non-stick properties.

To ensure the longevity of your forged cookware, it's important to store it properly:

Stack cookware with paper or cloth between them to prevent scratching.

Avoid overcrowding your cookware, as this can lead to chipping or damage.

Store with lids slightly ajar to allow air circulation, preventing moisture buildup.

In conclusion, forged cookware is a valuable addition to your kitchen arsenal, offering excellent heat retention and even distribution. Proper seasoning, cooking techniques, cleaning, maintenance, and storage are key to ensuring that your forged cookware remains a reliable and indispensable tool for your culinary endeavors. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of forged cookware for many years to come.


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